Financial 援助 Withdrawal Information

联邦法规要求立博在线体育有一份关于联邦援助(补充教育机会补助金)退款和偿还的书面政策, 教授予, 佩尔助学金, 伊拉克 & 阿富汗格兰特, 联邦直接贷款, 联邦毕业生PLUS, 在收到付款的学期内退学的学生收到的联邦PLUS). 本政策仅对完全终止注册的学生有效.e. 取消注册, stops attending all coursework, 在完成60%的注册期之前退学(或被开除)或上课出勤.

For purposes of this policy, 退款是指最初通过财政援助和/或现金支付支付的机构费用与提取后机构保留的金额之间的差额. 当从财政援助基金中支付给学生的现金超过机构收费时,就会发生偿还.

If the student receives federal financial assistance, 在完成60%的学期前退出或停止参加学术活动, a portion of these funds must be returned to the programs. The calculation is based on the period of enrollment completed. As a credit hour institution, 这个百分比是通过将学期的总日历天数除以完成的日历天数来计算的, as of the date of the student withdrawal. 学生有资格获得的联邦援助的百分比等于该学期完成的百分比, 高达60%. If the withdrawal occurs after 60% of the semester is completed, the student is considered to have “earned” all of the federal aid disbursed. If a student has withdrawn, 学校将在得知学生退课之日起30天内决定任何可能的退课. 信件将邮寄给学生或通过电子方式发送,并将表明退还的资金金额和流程概述.

If a student decides to withdraw, 学生须正式通知学生事务处,由学生事务处将退课详情通知学校其他行政办公室. 学生的退课日期/最后出勤日期取决于他们向学生服务办公室正式提交退课表的日期. If a student fails to provide a withdrawal form, 这将被视为非正式退学,学生未完成的所有课程将获得“F”级成绩. 如果由于学生的非正式退出,机构无法确定最后出勤日期, 学期的中点将用于确定获得的经济援助金额. 然而, 学校将通过合理的尝试(与教授沟通)确定学生最后参加学术相关活动的日期,并将其作为退课日期.

要返还的联邦援助金额是基于“不劳而获”援助的百分比. That percentage is computed by subtracting earned aid from 100%. 学院需要退还1)用于机构收费的未获资助百分比和2)用于收到的联邦资助总额的未获资助百分比中的较小者. 学生必须退还未获得的资助金额与学院退还的金额之间的差额. 如果学生(或家长在PLUS贷款的情况下)被要求归还部分或全部贷款收益, the calculated amount is to be repaid according to the loan terms.

There are certain exceptions to this rule (i.e. 该学生退学是因为该学生已经达到毕业要求, 等.)本办事处将评估每份撤回通知,以确定计算是否存在例外情况.

在某些情况下, 学生可能有资格获得可能已经支付的联邦援助的提款后支付, but was not done before the withdrawal occurred. If the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement, 学校将以书面形式与学生联系,给学生14天的时间来批准和支付提款.


正式退出学院或课程的学生可以根据以下时间表获得全额或部分退款(学分),从学术秋季或春季学期的第一天开始计算, 在一般情况下, is the first weekday of the semester in which classes are held). 注意:夏季学期的退款时间表与秋季和春季学期的退款时间表不同, and the module/session course refund schedule may differ as well. 具体学期的退款时间表请参见立博在线体育目录.

Full Fall/Spring Semester Courses:
1st-5th calendar days of the semester – 100%
6th-12th calendar days of the semester – 90%
13th-26th calendar days of the semester – 50%
27th calendar day and after – 0%


退学日期由学生完成所有正式退学步骤确定,并以注册办公室记录的退学日期为基础. 如果学生在没有完成正式步骤的情况下,在任何时候退出学院或任何课程, no refund (credit) will be made. The refund schedule is available in the 中北书院 catalog.

Requests for exception to this policy must be made, 以书面形式, using the General Petition form available in the Registrar’s Office. Exceptions may be granted for reasons such as an institutional error, documented medical condition, 死亡, or other circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control, except for employment reasons. 在所有情况下, 在提交请愿书之前,必须对完成课程的任何可能方法进行全面审查. Granted petitions may be assessed a $50.00手续费.


All contracts are for the full academic year. If a student intends to withdraw from housing during the academic year, 学生必须遵守在学年或学期开始时签署的食宿合同中列出的程序. 在任何情况下,学生必须向居住生活主任申请释放. 授予释放不是自动的,退款(积分)将根据合同确定. 所有学生在签订食宿合同前都应阅读并理解.